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OpenDS4All is live !

I am excited to announce that OpenDS4All is now live at

This project was funded by IBM, built by the University of Pennsylvania, and brought to life under the governance of the Linux Foundation. It is a starter kit of educational modules that can be used as the basis for the development of a data science curriculum by academic institutions. This is a new/revolutionary approach to education: not only is the starter kit developed on Python, an open source programming language, it is also an open source project which means it is now possible for anyone to take these modules and use them to develop their own Data science programs, and for faculty at other institutions to contribute educational modules to continuously enhance/update the curriculum kit.

How can people work with the project? Any institution building Data Science educational programs can download the materials, update them, and use them in any way as long as they ensuring attribution is given to the project Faculty and academic institutions can contribute to the project by donating additional educational modules · Faculty can become committers to ensure the integrity of future educational modules

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